This is the not-so-humble image gallery at Shikon!. Over the years, I've managed to collect a large variety of images that include Tasuki. Most of these came from the now defunct gallery at AnimeCity!, and many images were donated to the gallery at a later date by my good friend, Haruko. However, I'm afraid I can't remember where the remainder images came from.
If you see something here that you know for sure is yours and you would like me to credit you, please e-mail me. You can also e-mail me if you'd like to donate any high-quality images that may not be here. Also, if you happen to see something here that you'd like to add to your own gallery online, please do. Even though I've gotten most of these images from other sources, I have editted them to some degree. So if you would like to use them, I'd appriciate it if you'd like to link back to me. ^_^ Thanks, and enjoy!
Current Image Count: 81
Anime: Tasuki, Alone
Anime: Tasuki, With One Other
Anime: Tasuki, In A Group
Manga: Tasuki, Alone & With Others
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